Sugar Belle: I'm reminded of the same pony. This cocoon was based on Applejack.

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Sugar Belle: Not everything, Big Mac. Does this cocoon remind you of anypony?

*Sugar Belle was referring to the yellow cocoon with three red apples at the center*

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Sugar Belle: The Pinkie Pie Cocoon looks like cotton candy. XD

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Sugar Belle: This place is beautiful, I can't wait to return here during the winter.

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Sugar Belle: This statue is super adorable.

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Sugar Belle: It's an adorable statue of Cozy Glow. ^^

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Sugar Belle: Wow, they look amazing. 😍

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Sugar Belle: This is my favorite area of the Sanctuary of Harmony.

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*Sugar Belle reads the pedestal that the Dinky Hooves statue was standing on*

Sugar Belle: "Dinky Hooves. Caretaker for the Fields of Innocence"

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Sugar Belle: They sure are. Oh look, there's one more over there.

*Sugar Belle points to the stone statue of Dinky Hooves*

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Sugar Belle: These statues are so adorable. :D

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Sugar Belle: This is one of my favorite parts of the Sanctuary of Harmony. The Cutie Mark Crusaders statues. ^^

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Sugar Belle: We're almost to the next area, Big Mac. Are you ready?

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Sugar Belle: I couldn't agree more, Big Mac.

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww, what beautiful sculptures.

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Sugar Belle: I can't wait to see the rest of the Sanctuary. ^^

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