Let’s take the twerk from the Discord to Twitter. From the sheets to the streets!

Work those Bokis!

7 12

Bullish on the future of Bokis

From someone who's still learning and has been in the NFT space since mid-2021, I can say that it's rare to see a project like this nowedays

The community, art, and team it's completely amazing. Can't wait to see how everything evolves from now on

3 10


21 135

My parents said this was their favorite out of the Bokis I got :D

6 47

Let me see your Bokis!

27 411

한복 사계절 시리즈 중 가을
가을만의 꼬숩하고 따뜻한 분위기를 담은 그림🍂을 그려봤어요!!🌿

6 21

ikis bokis seris ikis

struggled with the body cuz surge's proportions are very different to sonic's (also the hair took up most of the sprite lmfao)

10 54

한복 사계절 시리즈 중 여름
요즘 날씨가 많이 더워져서 시원한 바다느낌으로 그린 여름 한복 그림 올려보아요💙

10 33

[IT'S just called ‘Hanbok’] Challenge

“한복은 한국 고유의 전통의상이며, 한국의 문화입니다.”

“Hanbok is a traditional Korean costume and Korean culture.”

“Hanbok es un traje tradicional coreano y una culturacoreana”

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【Comiket 97 NEW Issue】

『Rouka no Musume (廊下の娘03)』 by METABOKISSA ISYUUSAWAGI

Itachou-sensei's new issue of Monogatari Series is available for pre-order now on DoujinRepublic!!
Check it out at https://t.co/KB9mfdETf8

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