Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4DsFu & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nAemN These items are in her "Aria" series of original china patterns

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Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4DsFu & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nAemN This item is an original "Near the Garden Wall"

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Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4DsFu & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nAemN This item is an original "Fall Cathedral"

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Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4V3x2 & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nRPel This item is an original "Your Turn"

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"Bluebird Pair" Art by Find us on Fine Art America https://t.co/ISWcUF2jBJ & https://t.co/HB7LFcftOT & Pinterest https://t.co/Qok2rLoD20 One of many china patterns she has designed

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Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4V3x2 & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nRPel This item is an original "Checking It Out"

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Original art, prints & licensed items by Carolyn Shores Wright can be found on Etsy https://t.co/G6N1U4V3x2 & ArtFire https://t.co/i7KB3nRPel This item is an original "Butterfly with Pansies"

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"Andante Cup & Saucer" Art by Find us on Fine Art America https://t.co/ISWcUF2jBJ & https://t.co/HB7LFcftOT & Pinterest https://t.co/Qok2rLoD20 One of many china patterns she has designed

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