~thanks for the opportunity~
The Count Von Dunkelheit
He’s the main antagonist and father of the main protagonist. He’s a constant mix of “oh my gosh, you’re terrible” to “he makes a good point, I love him.”

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just thinking about these stuart dunkel paintings

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‘The Light in the Night’(Ein Funkeln im Dunkeln) has been shortlisted for the biggest readers’ choice book award in the German speaking region!! 🤗 If you like my book, please vote for it here: https://t.co/ti081LySQq Many thanks!!

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Dunkeld Cathedral (Scotland) Tomb of the Wolf of Badenoch, Alexander Stewart, showing position of hinge on Great Bascinet for attaching either a vented battle visor or an unvented curved jousting visor.

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Das Gute am Radeln im Herbst:
Morgens schöne Sonnenaufgänge
Alle Blätter buuunt
Wenige Radler unterwegs, weil die meisten nur Gut-Wetter-Radler sind > mehr Platz für mich.

Das Schlechte:
Schnell dunkel

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Meine Darkness hat viel mit dem Dunkeln zu tun, daher passt sie denken ich gut zum heutigen Thema.

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Kalt, nass, dunkel.

Ich bin dann bereit für den Winterschlaf.

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Charlie, aka Charlotte Porsche Dunkelheit - aristocrat, secretary, and musician.
Lover of music, books, archery, and horse riding.
Master of sass to those who have it coming.
Despite being spoiled, Charlie is kindhearted and a hard worker.

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~thanks for this opportunity~
Count Von “SexyEvilMan” Dunkelheit

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With the newest update for My Choker, I would like to officially announce as the amazing voice for The Count Von Dunkelheit!

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I thought perhaps I’d share the Count Von Dunkelheit. He’s the main antagonist from my current book/audiobook experience. I think he’s a fun character. He’s terrible, but strangely lovable.

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The Count Von Dunkelheit
I won’t say he’s “redeemable,” but my antag is quite lovable, or at least enjoyable, despite how terrible he is/can be.
He seems to put aside his lack of morals for his child, who is the protag, every now and then since he cares deeply for them.

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Saw Barbara Dunkelman wearing some nice outfits. Just wanted to do a rough sketch a bit more abstract than I normally do.

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SIE IST DA !!! Die erste Kurzgeschichte zum Roman "Zwielicht und Dunkelheit". "Die Jagd" findet ihr exklusiv unter https://t.co/URR24RuyzK ⚔️#zwielichtunddunkelheit

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Es ist soweit. Das Cover zu meiner ersten Kurzgeschichte "Zwielicht und Dunkelheit - Die Jagd" ist da. Erschaffen von der genialen zeigt es die Protagonistin meines Romans. Autorenlogo von .

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Heute erneut ein von : Grottenolm + Teesieb

In der Dunkelheit seiner Grotte tief unter dem Nebelgebirgskino wurde Grollum, der Grottenolm, letzthin ein wenig merkwürdig ...

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So I drew 's character, Misaki alongside my character, Ainmhí.
In return, they drew the fashion Count Von Dunkelheit~

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I guess I will share the Count Von Dunkelheit from my current big project, Her Choker.
Count or D, is the main antagonist from the book but a very charming and conniving fellow. He tends to be sadistic and a narcissist, but has his lovable and fun moments.

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