on the way to Frankfurt😋
Hyped for the german Qualifier!🙏

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In contrast to the Cologne painting’s persistent sensuality, the Frankfurt Aertsen registers human touch’s emotional variations. A curious liminal figure, a market woman in the background with the biblical scene, clutches a broccoli like it could support her weight.

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An old favorite: a stunning sixteenth-century Netherlandish triptych with crucifixion, Saint Christopher, and Saint Anne (on permanent loan from Frankfurt’s Matthäuskirche)

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🏮 Nekochaya Matsuri 🏮

We're proud to introduce a brand new special edition merchandise line to celebrate the season of Japanese summer festivals! ✨

These new designs will be available for the first time at 's booth at in Frankfurt this weekend!

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Verpasst nicht das in am kommenden Wochenende!
Das erste große Opus IX Turnier!

Do not miss out on the Grand Open in Frankfurt the upcoming weekend! First big Opus IX tournament in Germany!


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In the final stages of a 360 degrees project for the IAA 2019 in Frankfurt.

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Kinder der Achtziger haben die Haare schön in den Neunzigern und lachen darüber irgendwann im neuen Jahrtausend.

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Hi Linda, yes I think the best ones I've found so far are Croissant & Frankfurter, a few others that are less literal/delicious. It's for a tiny section in my book on what Steven Heller calls "Typography Parlant" so I probably have what I need, but I'd expected to find more.

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Eva Frankfurther’s painting has a documentary function, recording the beginnings of a new multicultural Britain. West Indian Waitresses c. 1955

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Frankfurter Kran

Etoile et Griotte POP-UP STORE

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Faltan cuatro meses para la Feria de Frankfurt y ya estamos con las citas. VACACIONES, VENID A MÍ.

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Ich baue gerade mein Kinderbuch-Portfolio auf, für die Frankfurter Buchmesse. Heute ist die Doppelseite „Am Hafen“ fertiggeworden 🤓

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Saints Catherine and Barbara - Master of Frankfurt, 1510-1520. (Mauritshuis). These are the left and right panels of a triptych altarpiece. The central panel depicts the Holy Family with Music Making Angels (now in the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool).

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Im now in frankfurt and i found an oreo tin, huh, sadly cant buy it hhhh

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A Korean Air Cargo 747 landing in Frankfurt. https://t.co/6cDIsrusON © Bogdan Jankowiak

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Am Samstag geht's zur Zwerchfell-Signiersause nach Frankfurt 😊 Björn Eichenwicht hab ich im Gepäck, wenn er's nicht verpennt. Kommt uns doch Besuchen 🐿🌳

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New Blogpost of the art process for creating my 2019 German Print from my signing in Frankfurt a moth or so ago: https://t.co/1gQV6zUkEe

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