A spectacular homage to Hayao Miyazaki by animation student Gwenn Germain http://t.co/lb2AidqcR9

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Utterly beautiful and pretty Miyazaki-ish short by student Gwenn Germain. https://t.co/D1oqjbPvZt

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Totally epic Miyazaki inspired faux-trailer from Gwenn Germain... http://t.co/G2XxETiDBD

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Celles et Ceux des Cimes et Cieux, an animated short made in 5 month by Gwenn Germain => http://t.co/93I12Ff211

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1 nouvelle enquête inédite de Gwenn et Soazic : Cadavres sur commande de A. Nicol > http://t.co/IVAwYZmHdo

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