Deimos no hanayome (悪魔の花嫁)
by IKEDA Etsuko & ASHIBE Yuuho (1975)

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RNG finally let me out of Samurai and Ikedaya jail

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Day 8: Issie

Issie AKA Isshi of Lake Ikeda, is Japan’s equivalent of Nessie. However, her origins are super sad.

Lore below!

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Ikeda's new TCG!

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Going from the Joker 3100 artbook, presumably Shigemi Ikeda (Sunrise veteran who worked on most of their 80s and 90s anime) would have been the art director for the OVA. All the background art in this artbook was Ikeda's.

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❤️'Children of the Whales' de Abi Umeda.
❤️'El umbral de lo siniestro' de Junji Ito.
❤️'La librera calavera Honda-san' de Honda.
❤️'La rosa de Versalles' (reedición) de Riyoko Ikeda.
❤️'Relatos terroríficos' de Kanako Inuki.

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Happy birthday to Okubo Rumi and Ikeda Masaru, the voices of Aiba Ami and Matayoshi Gorou respectively in

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Happy birthday to Okubo Rumi and Ikeda Masaru, the voices of Aiba Ami and Matayoshi Gorou respectively in


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'Shitsuji Sebastian no Shokugyou Jijou' de Kan Ikeda () se lleva portadilla a color en la Wings de octubre.

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'Gomiyashiki To Toy Powder to Watakushi de Yukio Ikeda () ocupa la portada de la Wakeari Jyoshi Hakusho Vol. 49 Aunque en esta ocasión la serie no abre la revista.

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La série "Komi can't communicate" basée sur le manga de Oda Tomohito en cours de diffusion au Japon avec Ikeda Elaiza et Masuda Takahisa au casting

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Yukio Ikeda () y Mizuka Hiiragi () estrenan 'Black Marriage ~ Morahara otto ni Damasarete ~' en la Petit Princess vol. 54. Shion tenía muchas espectativas con su matrimonio pero todo se viene abajo demasiado rápido.

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❤️'La Blancanieves pelirroja' de Sorata Akizuki.
❤️'La rosa de Versalles' (reedición) de Riyoko Ikeda.
❤️'Nuestras preciosas conversaciones' de Robico.
❤️'Servamp' de Strike Tanaka.
❤️'Yona, princesa del amanecer' de Mizuho Kusanagi.

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i am 1- very artblocked and 2- very sensitive bc i’ve been re-reading old riyoko ikeda shoujo. i ordered a copy of claudine yesterday bc im still haunted by that italian copy of kaze to ki no uta i didn't let myself buy like a year ago. i should've bought it.

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セールは2021年8月29日 (日) 23:59までです。このチャンスにぜひ!ペタッと

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Ikeda Kai (17) white Bengal tiger 🐯
(my original character)

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La Rose de Versailles de Riyoko Ikeda (chez Kana)

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