Gorou is just trying to share a cute pic with his boyfriend

251 3015

I imagine Gorou sometimes tells Itto a little TOO much about stuff that should be kept secret but Itto might forget after five minutes anyway 😭🫶

3877 38694

As promised, part 2 - They are so dshfsjhf 😭💖

Part 2/3 (part three asap)

541 6906

Good boys deserve scritches and to be fully coloured

39 255

Another AU, 'cause it's never enough ✨

Part 1/3 (part two in a few days)

1563 16725

Sweet dreams to all, let you dream of boobs 💙

Всем сладких снов, пусть приснятся вам бубсы 💙

1217 10264

How I think their first meeting would go hehe.

9 127