Meier mai( 's OC) hit by some proximity mine.
if she fell down quickly, she'd be lucky not to get hurt or dead.

17 75

Yuna got a nekomimi.
목에 채색 빼먹은거 지금봐서 다시올림.

12 29

yuna is 45kg(without her leg).

9 68

I자 밸런스를 하는 나.
내일 조금 다듬고 배경그려야겠다.

11 41

Leg critical hit(RPG-7)
some changed by previous work.

5 35

Leg fractured. too badly.

6 28

Yuna's right leg fractured.
hit by something(.50 or 25mm?) that's really hurt but she will be fine.

10 35

Yuna's location revealed when reloading marksman rifle.
몬가 장전도중에 위치 들킨 그런느낌?

11 29

Yuna(tactical) unarmed ver.

6 12

Running Yuna. get headshoted. but she not dead, and survive. :P

11 29

Vesna / Vera attack(✂️) each other.

11 69