No sé si lo sabéis pero ha sacado nuevo libro sobre los Clarividentes de Lorian.
Soga de seda y magia me encantó y ya tengo el nuevo. Y pronto y yo os daremos una sorpresa
Podéis comprar Daojima aquí:

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To all firefighters, on this Feast Day of your patron saint, St. Florian.

Dear GOD, protect these brave fire fighters. Grant them Your Almighty protection and unite them safely with their families after their duty has ended! Amen

St. Florian, pray for us!

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💎Cristal BD✨
Pas facile pour Lucie d’être collégienne et mère à plein temps pour son petit frère, Florian. En fouillant le bureau de ses parents, il va découvrir un étrange cristal doté d’un pouvoir incontrôlable, l'amenant peu à peu à disparaître des yeux de ses proches. 1/2

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Monster AUs for my own characters are okay. Vampire Laurence and Zombie Florian.
Laurence doesn't have his glasses bc vampire regeneration.

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Another commission by Milorian. :D

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Made in 2017, with my OC, Florian. 🌿💕

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The Mandalorian. Everything I've been hearing about this upcoming show sounds amazing, from the cast to the directors they're bringing in, this show has me hyped more than ever.

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Lothric and Lorian... these poor boys

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It's over, Kylorian. I have the high ground.

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EL BAÚL DE FLORIAN. Por Jesús Martín

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