
wonder who this little guy is

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...astute readers of this overlong livetweet may have picked up on one reason i enjoy this arc so much.

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why DOES this mirror the overlord-megatron fight..? i feel like there's a reason I'm missing.

but also, cyclonus is very much the real deal to drift's bluff. I like that, hah. these two characters feeling so distinct despite sharing a lot of conceptual stuff is cool.

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this seems like kiiiind of OTT foreshadowing given this will pay off in a side story of no HUGE importance, but at the time i assume it was also supposed to link to rewind's fake 'uv allergy' coming up in

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notably cd is going to go through this whole big heist story revealing the conspiracy of the institute and what it does... and THEN join it.

he's not got a great moral compass, that one. it's ok tho he has rewind for that now. proooobably best he dumped prowl.

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this concept fucking rules btw. I want it.

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chromedome has always been a morbid weirdo. hears about the 'digging around dead brains' department and perked right up. god bless. you're gonna do SO many war crimes.

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when we talk about marvel influence on idw, it surprises me that the ongoing thing of 'making it the creation matrix' tends not to get brought up. it being a whole meta Thing that they've misunderstood it in-fiction seems worth poking at.

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the relinquishment clinics somehow getting from hyper-dystopian pawn shop to wartime suicide clinics is something that always feels like maybe a potential thread got dropped.

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i love drift being an annoying little shit here lmao, the deliberate needling is fun. also ratchet getting paint all over his face.

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op is physically incapable of not making speeches, it's the only way he knows how to communicate

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rodimus commits the cardinal sin of being the sort of dick that makes you turn off read receipts.

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i know i always say this but. burcham's colours. MWAH.

and here's the introduction of CD And Prowl Have History, which at one point would have been more like foreshadowing but even in the altered final plotline is wonderfully interesting character stuff imo.

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ahhh yes, the point where cd's old name seemed like it might be important.

it's not, but it did lead to that one great joke on the tfn big broadcast quiz.

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cd is used to apologising for him i take it.

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rewind being an unhinged little gremlin is my favourite thing. this little man is so ready to do The Most at any time. rewind he's in a fucking coma you can't KIDNAP HIM for DRAMATIC ENTRANCE PURPOSES

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love all the weird little background guys.

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Whirl probably didn't care too much what his holomatter avatar looked like so long as it had fully functional fingers.

Then there was his avatar's "rebellious" phase. (From

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Tailgate from MTMTE/Lost Light because you would be a good voice for him tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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