Yeah, maybe my cover for my comic is not so... good for this day, but hey, there’s animated snow!

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This year I decided to draw something for I hope you like it❤️😍
These cuties are:
▶️ Lyranny - >
▶️ Spuky - >
▶️ Yume - >
A small gift to thank you all for your support! 💖

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This Day we'd like to thank all of our followers, old and new, for your support this year. Whether you view content on our website or contribute your own digital objects, we wouldn't be here without you.

Thank you, everyone, and may you have a very

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ですね!元はイエス・キリストの降誕の記念日ですが、今では宗派や国境を越えて年末の一大イベントになっています。さて、おくりん坊(では登録無料で大容量ファイルを簡単に送る事ができますよ。 #

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A little micro comic I made as a present....

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MerryChristmas! 新たにゆかりんMYが来たのは多分ゆかりさんからのプレゼントなのかなって思ってる。

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Merry Christmas from Santa Claus and Rudolph!

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