Not able to do new art right now so have some old art for the tag
Stream is still going so go donate to a great cause if you can or feel free to share as well! We can do it together!

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Another little image of art I've made that I think will help send out good vibes.
Make sure to donate if you can and if need be, find help, find friends, & find love!

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Can't draw anything new for the stream since I'm going back to college today, but I hope to spread the word and positivity!
Donate what you can and stay wonderful!!!

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I finished my pieces and decided to add some color.

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thank you for being so inspiring and positive all the time <3 please stay the way you are, you are amazing! much love

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just a little something that i hope you'll like

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thank you so much jack for being there for me and my bro. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Don't hide it. Speak out and spread the love!

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Something I drew while watching 's charity stream about mental health. A great cause and great stream. Thank you Jack!

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Depression effects a lot of people around the world. Things will get better. You can fight this. I love you all.

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A much better version! Again be positive everyone!

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I can't donate, so I drew some fan art!! I couldn't decide between coffee bean and green bean, so I put in both!! 💚🖤💚

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is doing a charity livestream for Suicide Prevention! Even if you can't donate spread the word for a good cause or make some sweet art! Spread the love and everyone remember to keep up that Love you Jack and everything you do!

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I've donated all I can, but I'm so proud of what and the community has done, keep donating guys!

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Hello People of the internet! Jack is still doing a livestream for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention! It is sutch a great cause so please even if it's 1 dollar you will make a great difference

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I couldn’t donate but hey it’s just a drawing
Love from emirates
And thanks or being an inspiration

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I am watching live stream, come and join something good

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people tell me i can't draw and my mental illness holds me back but you make me happy and have helped my boyfriend thank and good job on 10k

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Please donate as much as you can (even 1 $ matters!)
Also, here is a happy Christmass Sam for all of you out there to help you smile a little^^ (also, i'm from Belarus and we celebrate christmass on January 7th)
Have a greta day today and always!!!

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