//=time() ?>
I più ritengono
che se uno è d'accordo con loro
allora è intelligente
sennò è stupido.
E' un grandissimo errore
ma come diceva Aristotele
Solo una mente educata può capire un pensiero diverso dal suo senza avere bisogno di accettarlo
William D. Haller, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WilliamHaller #SupremeCouncil #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #33rdDegree #memorial #necrology #Freemasonry #Masonic #Freemasons #TravisSimpkins #sketch #art #portrait
H. Robert Huke, III, 33°. Scottish Rite, NMJ
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#GrandLodgeOfMassachusetts #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #Freemasons #Freemasonry #33rdDegree #MassachusettsFreemasonry #Masonic #TravisSimpkins #art #sketch
Eric Ginette, 33°. Supreme Council. Scottish Rite, NMJ
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#EricGinette #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #Masonic #art #portrait #sketch #GrandLodgeOfVermont #33rdDegree
Greg Knott, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#GregKnott #ValleyOfDanville #Masonic #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #Freemasons #Freemasonry #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #33rdDegree #IllinoisFreemasonry #GrandLodgeOfIllinois #MidnightFreemasons
I'm the only one who can bless the world with a perfectly writen and still hot af Sam. I'm the chosen one.
Too bad I can't write though
George Elbridge Boyden, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#GeorgeElbridgeBoyden #ValleyOfWorcester #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #33rdDegree #WorcesterMA #Architect #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #Masonic #art #portrait #sketch
Meine persönlichen Favoriten sind übrigens der panische Golfball und die glücklichen Möpse.
Norman Vincent Peale
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#NormanVincentPeale #PowerOfPositiveThinking #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #Masonic #art #portrait #sketch #knowledge #wisdom #NewAge #books #author #ScottishRiteNMJ #33rdDegree #clergy
John William McNaughton, 33°
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#JohnWilliamMcNaughton #ScottishRite #ScottishRiteNMJ #SupremeCouncil #SovereignGrandCommander #Masonic #Freemasons #Freemasonry #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait #sketch #33rdDegree
Here’s Tendō #satori #satoritendou #tendou #hq #hqart #fanart #hqfanart #tendō #satoritendō #anime #haikyuufanart #haikyuu
Hallo! Ich hab die Möglichkeit von meiner Chefin bekommen ein paar Sachen mit meinen eigenen Motiven machen zu lassen :3 <3 Ich hab mal ein paar kleine Ideen gebrainstormt in Richtung pflanzlich, Fantasy und Märchen <3 Habt ihr Favoriten? Die beliebtesten 3-4 setzt ich um <3
I forgot to post this!! Tengai my beloved ♡
#ハンセム #handeadanthem #hittsukuritengai
@jedizambetta Amo lo stile di Phobs 😭 Però devo dire che sono molto felice anche del nuovo stile, per cui mi ritengo fortunata. Amo troppo poi i mille disegni in più che ci regala Phobs~ La mia parte shipper è soddisfatta u.u
@kiwiichable Pues que griten un MERO MERO MELLOW o un MANO ZERO, que están en japón y hay que gritar el nombre de las técnicas.
je les ressors tous les 6 mois juste pour trois headshots les pauvres ils méritent mieux sauvez les...