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Plus que 6 packs mécènes et 2 packs soutien,
Quand nous serons en rupture nous vous proposerons un nouveau projet.
BOUTIQUE : https://t.co/DY1exF1p4v
What else is there to do but feel the earth rupture with my steps?~ (And also break twitter's compression algorithm)
Art by @Fierglief
Judgment is upon you. Behold the crushing might of my Sword of Rupture
Billie Elish!
#Obscurio est sorti en Octobre dernier. Vite en rupture de stock, il reviendra en boutique au printemps mais vous pouvez y jouer à #Cannes !
Obscurio is out of stock in many countries. But don't worry the game will be back in #spring.
#boardgame #jds #FiJ #bibliothèque #library
Over time the aneurysms weaken and can rupture. When it ruptures, the blood extravasates into the subarachnoid space. This is the space between the arachanoid membrane and the pia mater. This is why we call it a SAH.
i want him to pin me against the wall and pound his dick in me so hard that he knocks all the oxygen out of me and i want him to make me cum so good that i rupture my veins and arteries and misalign my internal organs.
Let them know that we will listen to them tell us what the right story is: we can ask them to show us, so we can understand better. It’s our job to hold onto our intention to be with them. Ruptures can be repaired.
#connection #playtherapy #play #wellbeing
On pourrait croire une série à suspense avec une atmosphère étouffante digne d'un thriller mais ce n'est pas le propos ici Mokuyoubi, est (cf mots clés👆) les personnages se posent de questions...et vivent. Mais un secret trop grand appelle fatalement un point de rupture...
✨ Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
▶️ Épisode 3 : https://t.co/sA3NVjpF11
Afin de venir en aide à Kaede qui a été capturée par le sort de l'escalier des ruptures, ses amies tentent de déclencher le sort pour abattre le monstre aux chaînes.
Cardiac Rupture join our store with a bunch of sick breakdowns and AOP garms!
🔥Make a pick: https://t.co/tGPgQ5MF9j
Avant Magi et ORIENT, Shinobu Ohtaka avait publiée Sumomomo Momomo. On a eu la chance de la retrouver chez @Kurokawa en France. Mais malheureusement, la série est en rupture aujourd’hui.
Avez-vous eu l’occasion de la lire ? Qu’en aviez-vous pensé ?
I got an ear infection that ruptured both my eardrums. Luckily I got to a doctor and they’ll heal up eventually. Just gotta rest and wait it out and hope the muffled feeling goes away. Please send prayers for a speedy recovery.
If it wasn't rupture of the tendon
What happened to patellar tendon?
@inigoiri @RMastPhysio @TendonImaging @danieltapia0 @DrJN_SportsMed @JohnLeddyUK @Niek_NTe @mskultrasound @function2fitnes
Shoutout to the million other homies out there that ruptured out their mother today 👀🎂
Partial rotator cuff _partial supraspinatus tendon rupture in area of tendinosis
#MSKUS #POCUS #sonography @Ecastillo1226 @chebmanuel @drldguerrero @danieltapia0
i put on my rupturefarms hoodie... i enter oddworld mode... it's been a grip since i drew these two
Roseus is @LornaRoseFoX's
Now this thing is pretty interesting. Looks like an entirely new enemy design, although possibly some form of zombie? It has the claws and the ruptured abdomen, but there's no headcrab. Also note the uniform on the dead guy on the left. New design. #HalfLifeAlyx
Ca y est, j'ai envoyé au fab la quantité def de #vinyles à produire.
Toutes les nouvelles commandes piocheront dans la "marge-spéciale-j'ai-pas-pu-commander-avant".
En revanche il n'y aura pas de "marge-j'arrive-après-la-rupture", on vous aura prévenu !
🔥 https://t.co/OnYQtlINtZ
The Rupture 観てしまった