Everyone, check out SuperNormal NFT collection. AMAZING. my son is a keen follower and wants to get in on the WL but needs lots of likes and retweets. One of Zipcy's and also my son's drawings inspired by all things Twitter do your thing xxx

5 11

🎉SuperNormal FREE MINT & WL Giveaway🎉

A series of 8888 hand drawn ZIPS with over 1000 traits by Korea largest illustrator Zipcy!

1xSuperNormal mint
10xPresale (WL) spots

1⃣Like & RT & Tag friends (unlimited entry)
3⃣Join https://t.co/qzQnbF5qW9

1271 1449

TTAV x Supernormal

🎁1x NFT
🎁10x WL (chosen on discord)

1️⃣Like RT + Tag 5
2️⃣Follow +
3️⃣Join: https://t.co/UYpDUXkaXV

24 hr timer!

723 763

🔥Omega Orcs have partnered with Famous Korean Artist to give out 2 SUPERNORMAL Whitelist Spots!!🔥

To Enter:
1⃣ Like/RT/Tag 5 Friends
2⃣ Follow &
3⃣ Join both Discords Linked Below

⏱️48 Hours...


154 179

🎉SuperNormal FREE MINT & WL Giveaway🎉

A series of 8888 hand drawn ZIPS with over 1000 traits by Koreas most famous artist Zipcy!

1xSuperNormal mint
10xPresale (WL) spots

✅Like & RT & Tag friends (unlimited entry)
✅Join https://t.co/qzQnbF5qW9

1138 1276

https://t.co/Pyy7IAss4D 👈
SuperNormal NFT | Zipcy8888 🔥
🥳Airdrop Cuna White Witch
Prizes🎖️white witch NFT, selected after 24h
1️⃣ Like & RT
2️⃣ Follow ,
3️⃣ Tag 3 freinds
4️⃣ Join our Discord (link in thread)

53 65

🚨 WIN AN FROM SuperNormal | Zipcy8888 👀

To Enter:
1️⃣ RT, ❤️ & Tag a Friend
2️⃣ Follow: &

Bonus: https://t.co/n4KbrVGAc6

Ends in 72 hrs!

1284 1414

<Super Normal NFT>, a collaboration between Korea's top illustrator Gypsy X Coinbase Techlead.

4 12

'슈퍼노멀 집시8888' 대상 화리 이벤트!

인스타 70만 팔로워 최고 일러스트레이터
코인베이스 수석 개발자

미국 나사 연구소 최고 기술 경영자 및 미국 셀럽 전폭 지지를 받고 있는 프로젝트. 집시8888!

558 585

Brie, gay dullahan, vice president of the Supernormal Club. As Tara's she's tasked with sorting through all of the supernatural activity that needs investigated (there is none, she just plays scrabble on her phone), she's also an accident prone dweeb with a big crush on Tara

2 17


Zipcy’s Supernormal

Cool project that’s offering a great opportunity if the community can come together. Check out the GIF & screenshot below (see thread) and make sure to check out their discord!

👀 https://t.co/RZ9yKUw78C

14 26

<🦊KlayFox x SUPERNORMAL👩‍🦰>
'슈퍼노멀 8888' 클폭홀더 대상 화리 이벤트!
인스타 70만 팔로워 일러스트레이터

코인베이스 수석 개발자

테조스 창립자

전 세계에서 사랑받는 분들이 모여 만드는 가치 있는 프로젝트에여우!
방법은 댓글 참고하세여우!

71 89

Tara, current former leader of the "Supernormal Club", named it such to make it stand out from other paranormal/supernatural themed organizations. She's nearly 30 but still considers herself the president of her friend group. Constantly seeking out tips on spooky activity

2 11

<SuperNormal NFT> 5 Whitelist Giveaway Spots for Yongoh followers only!
This is NFT Collection is backed by South Korea’s Largest Illustrator and Tech Lead at Coinbase
To enter raffle:
1. Like & RT
2. Follow

3. Tag 3 friends

116 144

Following the footsteps of many amazing projects and the advice from we have decided that we will be applying for a CC0 after minting in January.

No copyright reserved

This will allow any and all of our community members to freely use SuperNormal in any shape or form.

9 31

Reveal of the Cyborg concept for !

Want to win a SuperNormal mint at launch?👇

1️⃣ Follow &
2️⃣ Like & RT

Launching January.

87 132

Fiona Mairi Dae, protagonist of the webcomic Supernormal Step, is aromantic and asexual. Supernormal Step (2009-2018) is a fantasy comic created by M. Lee Lunsford and edited by Rachel Stevens .

4 11

1️⃣Follow &
3️⃣Tag friends & join the Supernormal discord
Discord link in bio.

39 43