Dziękuję Jacex za DnD, oraz to, że mogłam wziąć udział w tej wspaniałej Ostatniej Podróży. Co prawda nie rysowałam tak często i tak zajebiście jak Styx czy Maja ale wciąż, dołożyłam swoją małą cegiełkę do tego świata ❤️
Kocham cię Sarro, zostaniesz na zawsze w mym sercu😩

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Oh yeah, here’s the ref of my queen. Conceptualized by basically making a female version of Styx.

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Happy friends! Do you remember the Styx River ?

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Introducing Digital Immortality
The last boat across the Styx will be sailing soon...

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Styx shows ya the goods 🥹🥹🥴

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[ original character ]

Not the first oc I ever made but it’s been five years and three months of Lorelei Styx to date !

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The name has two words, so lets start with the first. Styx is something you may have heard before. As in the river Styx. It is greek mythology. The river of death that exists in the underworld. It is the river that the souls of the dead are carried on to the underworld.

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LGBTQ+ Night Shift characters 🏳️‍🌈 (2/5)

Lea Parrish – lesbian
Phoebe Chen – lesbian
Styx – asexual
Cameron Archer – nb / bisexual

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The third Charon is ready. "Young Charon."
I tried to convey a slight sorrow in the eyes of the character about empathy for the dead.
I wanted to play here not only with the composition, but this time with the colors, :D

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Goddess of magic; a sorceress. Daughter of Helios, the sun god, and of the ocean nymph Perse.


Goddess of force, power, might and raw energy. Daughter of Pallas, Titan of battle, and Styx, the goddess of the River Styx.

0.03 ETH 🌤

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You can contact me via DM for details
Also! Fun game! Find all the Cookie Styx's hidden in the pages and you get a free commission! DM screenshots to win!
(Continue in thread)

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Just an officer passing through Dormietoro's halls ✨✨✨

Finally got to draw and color something for Styx in this AU asdhjhjjkgj

(sorry phone users, quality for yall might be wonky. i messed up the res 0(-( )

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Styx (TSL Spooky Witch)

Half Human Half Splinter and Struggling with it

But meeting Marlow certainly helped with that, and they feel a little bit more whole now <3

Still pretty awkward tho 8D

(smth smth hölds Marlow like Burger)

(Art by aelwen-art on tumblr :>)

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drew my current stardew valley farmers. Riley from the beach farm and Styx from the monster farm

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Badges for Revaera, Styx, Marsa and King

For tysm again!!!

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"Styx", card art which I created for the upcoming TCG Forgotten Times. I'm glad I had the opportunity to join this project!

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👀With your Bad Girlfriend (), explore Hell together & earn $STYX! All 6k Bad Girlfriends are hand-drawn & have unique personalities

🏷️Pre sale : 14 Jun 2022-04 pm (UTC)

👉Know more :

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Song: acherontia styx ~ fatamoru ost

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