The Survivalists (Switch) pre-order on Amazon: $39.99

2 37

Alice Dietrich as a wasteland survivalist. Character of , commissioned by another person.

48 251

Nina! The sexy survivalist 💗

0 1

Small art I drew for myself in between work. My OC Annika, who is a rather quiet farmer/survivalist wolf.

15 75

The Confined Survivalist Guide
The consequences of confinement
Avoid Batman soup..
Art by Sichong Zhang aka ZSC

0 3

The Confined Survivalist Guide
Make confinement rules look attractive select the proper social distancing attire...
Art by Yongjae Choi

0 3

The Confined Survivalist Guide's No So Good Advice
101 ways to survive confinement
Full personal refund if you don't survive...
Art by 신태섭-申泰蹑(Steve)

0 2

The Confined Survivalist Easter Egg Guide
Practice makes perfect
Social Distancing Club's first lesson
This is an underground club...
Art by 'Steve' from Shanghai

0 3

The Confined Survivalist Guide
Heaven and Hell share the same address in your head
Choose your proxy...
Art by Steve Stone

0 6

The Confined Survivalist Guide Sunday Sound Advice
Check your batteries...
Art by Leftpool Stoner

1 2

The Confined Survivalist Guide Saturday Night Special
Start your happy hour early...
Get a mortgage on your future
Art by Hou China

0 3

The Confined Survivalist Guide
Confinement's side-effects...
Art by Daniel Caballero

0 2

The Confined Survivalist Naughty Guide
Local interpretation of confinement enforcement in the 'Bible-Belt'
Not yet reached the social distancing stage...
'Beware Visitors' by Jeff Fairbourn

1 6

The Confined Survivalist Guide
The lonely dream
Learning scissiparity
Art by Innokentiy Haldeev 'Kanephoros the Cosmic Pretor'

0 3

The Confined Survivalist Guide
The 'monkey on the shoulder' allegory
The confinement in the confinement addiction
Agoraphobia is the next phase
Art by Christof Stanits

0 6

The Confined Survivalist Guide
Where have the hard days gone
This unquenchable thirst for adventure
Drained with the bath water
Easy Rider unplugged
The armchair revolution
Is on the television
'Hard day at work' by Johnson Ting

1 7

The Confined Survivalist Guide
Following yourself into the unknown
The path is narrow and dim
The future is dimmer then
But the Moon up in the sky
Says hello in her bright halo
You may feel lost
But hope is not lost
Follow yourself...
Art by Dan May

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The Confined Survivalist Guide
Looking outside it is full daylight but still so dark...
Gethsemane Garden by Rado Javor

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The Confined Survivalist Guide
The anti-social social-distancing tool
Kill to cure with style...
Maarten Verhoeven Beta-blaster

1 4