If there's no struggle , there's no progress.
We have to work hard for our dreams.

411 493

For our future, for our new generation, we will fight as hard as we can to the end We need to bright our future and next generations. So we will show our unity. Stay safe and keep fighting
We can do it. Let's Trend hashtags together.

607 554

Together we are here!
Fight with our way

101 111

Unity is the strength.
We must fight for unity and justice, for our future goals, dreams, education and new generations.

We all need to be one now. 💪🏻
We will fight together for the future of our youth. 🇲🇲

202 188

စစ်အာဏာရှင်စနစ် ကျရှုံးပါစေ။

3 4

This moment is very important for the future of all of us.We only need justice, so we will fully support our leaders we want. We believe we can do it!! Stay Safe and keep fighting!!!

348 267

We will fight for future and our new generation

419 329

We will fight for future and our new generation

23 16

The only light for our future🇲🇲

9 6

The military that aims their gun at civilian is not a military but a terrorist.
Now they had captured two student leaders who have been planning to protest before protest even happen

2 2

We will never give up and will fight till the end of the world.
Unite together to fight these evils.

12 9

Don't want to afraid for tomorrows✊🏻🇲🇲

51 39

As a university student, we all need fight for our dream and our future. So never give up. We can do it.

158 120