Rt your toudou (very much in the background ur stealing the spotlight shinkai)

3 2

Rt your toudou (working out with tiny fucking weights ft. manami, izumida and arakita in the corner)

12 6

shinkai (taking up 90% of the screen, toudou is annoyed)

32 18

Rt your toudou (smallest toudou)

18 10

Rt your toudou (WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!)

8 4

Rt your toudou (talking)

5 4

Rt your toudou (bundled up and ready for winter)

5 7

Rt your toudou (radiant)

1 4

shinkai (hes beauty hes grace hes ms united states ft. the lovely toudou; )

3 2

shinkai (smol feat. lil toudou)

22 14

Rt your toudou (unimpressed makishima)

7 6

Rt your toudou (mom holy fuck)

12 7

Rt your toudou (spy)

12 5

Rt your toudou (panic)

24 13

Rt your toudou (gently holding a cup)

6 1


11 85