画質 高画質


DTIY FOR @/tvweirdo ON INSTA

1195 4680

Part of it is mine but they edited it weirdly and badly + added some random shapes to it

1 48

cuzz working with a new oc bleh..xp
finished wip lmao .....im weirdoo

119 945

hoping fontaine fills this gap here, it’ll look weird otherwise

500 11532

still weird things
obviously jingren

537 3626

i have lots of weird shit in my folder
hengren hengjing

242 2269

Weird that there’s not enough plantcest fic based on the time vash was trapped in knives ark. He was at knives mercy for months 😭😭

85 438

Partner who rather buy you weird stuff than flower

89 924


sebuah headcanon kalo mereka berlima kumpul, jelas yang mabuk banget suga dan chikara. bedanya suga itu pemabuk ngerepotin (nyanyi, teriak, marah2, doing weird things) tapi kalo chikara paling maks bakal teriak2 ngeluh abistu pingsan. daichi bakalan mabuk (cont..)

61 688


太陽花がニョキニョキと生えてきました。この花は湿った場所で咲き、空気をからりと乾かしてくれるのです。 Solar flowers have grown gnarled. These flowers bloom in damp places and keep the air dry.

13 49

Cover image of lonely, weird place

4 17

with text cus the compo is just weird without it WKKW

15 87

weirdo cat boy doing weird things

21 271

In my recent dream..It's weird, but it's cute.

20 63

Sir Philip of Henscrest, Knight Companion of the Order of the Golden Scallop and the Order of Reliquarian Knights

You've seen him before, but I thought he looked a little weird so I changed some proportions, edited his face a lil and gave him a rondel dagger.

36 262

I tried to convert it to a word with a similar meaning👻
maybe it's a weird sentence🙏sorry

1 12

A look at the artist mind. The small space I had left was filled by Pikmin. I encourage other artist to do something similar, It's a weird experiment but a very fun one. Happy pride month!💜💜🥰

97 671