The tavern's in cloverly seem to be lively as ever! These two gals will make sure you're very entertained while staying in their town~

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Consejo para escribir Leer una historia, un libro, un cómic, te ayudará a relajarte. Simplemente estás dejando que tu mente trabaje a su propio ritmo. Además tendrás algunas ideas bastante buenas para tu próximo escrito

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Who knew bluejays and horses looked so good together?

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Doodle sheet of the lovely rosy couple~

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Some silly personal OC nonsense but in horse-form. Even the demigods have a sense of humor apparently!

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Hola! Soy ilustradora y trabajo sobre todo en acuarelas y en digital, te paso mi porfolio por si puede encajarte!

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Attack on cinderajarts on instagram.

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I have a feeling we could all use a lil lucky friend right about now...

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Don't know about you, but I need some more ratties in my life! Can't have them IRL due to allergies, but luckily fictional rodents seem just as good right now!

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Robot furry nurse? Yes please!!

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vi que la beba andaba tristona y pus te ice un dibujito con cariño pa animarte un poquito aun que sea unu animo linda, te recomiendo tomarte un tiempo para ti, relajarte etc. es normal sentirse mal a veces pero no olvides que hay gente que tkm <3

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