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Today is International Yarn Bombing Day!
A day for knitters and crocheters to cover their town with their colourful yarn creations!
#alphabettydoodles #internationalyarnbombingday
Today is National Iced Tea Day!
Enjoy a relaxing glass in the 🌞 today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalicedteaday
Today is National Donald Duck Day!
Embrace your inner Donald Duck, wear blue or watch some cartoons in celebration today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationaldonaldduckday #donaldduck
Today is National Upsy Daisy Day!
This day is a reminder to try and greet each day being bright and cheerful - be an Upsy Daisy!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalupsydaisyday
Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! 🍦
Enjoy this treat today! Where's our ice cream Betties at?!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalchocolateicecreamday
Today is National Yo-Yo Day!
It's been a firm child favourite toy for many generations .. have fun doing tricks with a yo-yo today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalyoyoday #ness
Today is Hot Air Balloon Day!
Would you like to go on a balloon ride? Read or watch 'Around the World in 80 Days' or find a balloon festival!
#alphabettydoodles #hotairballoonday #phileasfogg
Today is National Hug Your Cat Day! 🐈
Show your cat some love!
Who's your favourite cartoon cat? Betty is dressed as the Cheshire Cat.
#alphabettydoodles #nationalhugyourcatday #cheshirecat #aliceinwonderland
Today is National Hug Your Cat Day! 🐈
Show your cat some love!
Who's your favourite cartoon cat? Betty is dressed as the Cheshire Cat.
#alphabettydoodles #nationalhugyourcatday #cheshirecat #aliceinwonderland
Today is World Bicycle Day! 🚲
A fun activity that is great for exercise too so get on your bike today!
#alphabettydoodles #worldbicycleday
Today is World Bicycle Day! 🚲
A fun activity that is great for exercise too so get on your bike today!
#alphabettydoodles #worldbicycleday
Today is National Rocky Road Day!
A dessert made from marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate - why not try making it today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalrockyroadday
Today is National Rocky Road Day!
A dessert made from marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate - why not try making it today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalrockyroadday
Today is National Macaroon Day!
Not to be confused with macarons, enjoy this coconut treat today!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalmacaroonday
Today is National Water a Flower Day.
Caring for plants is a great way to unwind and appreciate the beauty outdoors!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalwateraflowerday
A bonus Betty for #SundayisfortheBetties .. today is also National Biscuit day!
What's your favourite biscuit?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalbiscuitday
Today is National Hamburger Day! 🍔
Visit your favourite burger bar or have a BBQ this weekend to celebrate!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalhamburgerday
Today is National Cellophane Tape Day!
Lots of craft fun to be had with cellotape, what could you build today?
#alphabettydoodles #nationalcellophanetapeday
Today is National Paper Airplane Day!
A great family activity to make paper planes and have a contest on who's flies furthest!
#alphabettydoodles #nationalpaperairplaneday
Today is Towel Day.
This day is a tribute to Douglas Adams, author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy where fans carry towels with them to remember not to panic, no matter what the world throws at them.
#alphabettydoodles #towelday