Wohooo! Heute im Podcast! Alles rund um Thema Apps.
Illustratorin Evelyn Scherber berichtet von ihren Erfahrungen. Sie hat lange in dem Bereich als Projektleiterin gearbeitet, bis sie sich dazu entschieden hat doch lieber selbst für Apps zu ilustrieren,… https://t.co/lY7WAoaCHN

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Guess I’m a bit behind the times with iPhone drawing apps. Here’s an invincible doodled in Apple Notes

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Sometimes when I'm running on Sunday mornings I quickly catch some impressions with my phone and usually playing around with some apps... https://t.co/IeTDGXRQuH

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Super fun creating a comic layout - app smashing with Adobe mobile apps. This is a great activity for Up.Primary/MS/HS. Tech +Art + Literacy

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Just fooling around a shitty composite with my iPhone and some nice https://t.co/nN5mrmIcrh

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a una amiga se le ocurrió humanizar a unas cuantas apps... y me he obsesionado con ellas :'v 💞

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Adventure! Geography! Friendship! History! and more! Check out our award winning education apps. https://t.co/WQVFzHZSeP

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Straight teeth nearly double the odds of attracting a match on dating apps.

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Imps have been doodling on my art apps. The last image is not for the faint hearted...
Impish Doodles Blog:

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Screens have a negative effect on sleeping pattern, so industry comes with sleeping apps. (Ted Struwer for )

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Facial tracking & masks have turned from a fun effect to a necessity for photo apps. Our facial tracking module is finished & ready on iOS!

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Still can't get used this apps...moreover this apps look so awesome...wanna try again..

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About to begin iPad workshop w/ teachers. Sharing our core apps... Thanks Palmerston PS

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Playing around with animation using only iPad Pro apps. Here's the finished shot and the process. Enjoy!

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