is another of my fave colors! So here's a dragon watering a flower and a marmalade kitten telling tall tales for this week's . Happy weekend, all!

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painting this thing gave me arthritis

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YAY! Now my arthritis wont hurt cuz i wont have knees!

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Ive had arthritis since around 14 and it makes all my music and art very difficult at times. I bought a piano to play more simple and soft music. The funny thing is I've only written fast or complex things that hurt my hands more than ever lol.... complex for me anyway lol

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How many artists who have hand pain issues such as tendinitis, tenosynovitis, arthritis or carpal tunnel have pits in their fingernails such as this? Small dents on the fingernail.

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The arthritis only allows me to draw one type of mxtx fella, although it helps that they all look fairly similar lmao. xue yang

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The Mexica (Aztecs) treated with sympathetic magic and with powerful narcotic plants, including toloache - a traditional Mexican love potion! Image from the Florentine Codex Book XI.

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An innovative treatment for being trialled at the University has been awarded a prestigious grant from

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Do you remember Tachibanas brothers from Captain Tsubasa?They are a specialized duo in acrobatic play and speed play. In we have Arthritis brothers. They are a duo specialized in nothing

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Do you remember Tachibanas brothers from Captain Tsubasa?They are a duo specialized in acrobatic play and speed play. In we have Arthritis brothers. They are a duo specialized in nothing

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4. I loved working on this pathogenetic illustration of rheumatoid arthritis because it was challenging and I learned a whole lot and maybe also because it ended up as a delightful rainbow of cellular destruction.

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So, I have SOME money for a little bit, so if anyone wants to commission me is more than welcome to do so! I'm gonna start trying to do more detailed commission pieces but it may take a while due to my slow arthritis hands lol

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this is still the absolute wildest thing to see every year it's updated

Mid-2016 was the time I got arthritis/fibromyalgia and you can see me slow down, but I'm so happy that I never stopped drawing. Improvement is real no matter how slow

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Had a brilliant training day with on Friday, where we explored Design Thinking and accessible design, experiencing day to day tasks with restrictions to movement to simulate conditions like arthritis. Excited to try some projects with our Year 6 STEAMers!

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Again! 5k, 1 hour, walked to a recording of U.S. Army Airborne marching songs. I'm sweaty, wiped out, and happy. 😅

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Hey Gamers, I'm DEAD and I overpower my arthritis to draw demons, monsters, and darker themes!
😈 😈

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Made this cutie while my arthritis was bugging me, so sorry its cursed with a similar fate lol

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Thumbnail art I made today! It looks simple but I spent a lot of time drawing it to get it looking right. I gave my hand arthritis but it was worth it

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