
This outfit wasn't actually designed by me, it was designed by Eldritchbooky on Toyhouse

I haven't drawn him much in it, but I think it'd make a very nice spring time outfit

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Standard / Default outfit for Bay

With and without jacket + extra

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Since it's obvious I won't be able to finish this challenge properly, I'm just picking the ones I like best, I like pirates.

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More , Sports wear! Nothing fancy, just working up a sweat.

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Outfit August Day 11: Spring
I don’t know what spring clothes entail, probably because I just wear jeans year round, so I just put Sticky in a flower costume

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Day 10 and still going! Felt disappointed with my practise session today so I put some extra effort in this one to make up for it.

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Smaugust 2019 - Sapphire

For September's birthstone we have Sapphire, a beautiful stone associated with Wisdom, tranquility and truth.

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day 9: elderly

I keep forgetting to post here agshdjf

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Day 7 - Heritage! I never gave Lane an ethnic background other than basic American white dude so HERE'S A COWBOY

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Day 07: Work

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Day 9: Forest Dragon!
is still keeping me busy as ever.. Honestly, I like to take these challenges on a more creative route than anything really.

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now for some winter clothes that would actually keep you warm

it comes to no surprise to most people, that I love

it's what makes winter outfits great

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It begins...

(thanks to dad-bod god for inspiring me to start this and having the nifty template for me to steal)

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