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p.s. wanted to draw Ben in HP AU💖

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Everyone’s calling Kylo a little meow meow but we all know whose meow meow he is (answer: Hux’s)

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If you are reading fic you probably know what he is looking at😂💦
p.s. this part of the fic reminded me of that Tarzan scene so thought I would redraw it but with Ben hehe

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A while ago (sorry) had me thinking about emo kylo and business man Hux as dads to their Princess of a daughter. I said I draw it and I have!

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Another wip I had that decided to finish hehe it was the first idea I had for this AU💖

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~Reylo Tarzan AU~
I been thinking about them since the first post and I’m still in love with them😩💖

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oh god, I don’t know, just drawing from some refs I have

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Portrait lighting study ....or something like that

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They both thinking the same thing…Millennium Falcon Waffles😂#reylo

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Kylo looked down at this beautiful girl who had opened up her arms for him. Opened up her good, fierce heart. And opened up his heart so he knew what it was to feel hope and joy.

The Force of Destiny

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Just wanted to draw Ben with long hair✨#bensolo

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I haven't posted in a hot minute... so here's a recent drawing of kylo from starwars :)
I need to get more practice on drawing people, especially men & this was a great warmup

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