T is for Tessie

Tessie lives in Lake Tahoe (which borders Nevada and California). She may well be the cousin of Scotland’s Nessie!

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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"Vocês tem um flashback de uma cena bem parecida"

Um desenho para relembrar a querida cena do Cesar cavando a cova de seu próprio pai.

❤️🔁 = tudo pra mim

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P is for the Partridge Creek Beast

This living Ceratosaurus was seen in the early 1900s in Yukon Territory, Canada.

(Cheating a bit because it’s Canadian!)

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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I listened to a bit of while ironing today and I realised I haven’t made any lyric pieces for a while.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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N is for Napa Rebob

The Napa Rebobs have been spotted in Napa Valley in California; Partrick Road and Partrick Cemetery are their regular haunts!

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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M is for Mothman

Frequenting the area around Charleston and Point Pleasant in West Virginia, the Mothman is a harbinger of doom, often sighted before a major event occurs.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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1896: 1st x-ray taken in Ireland in De La Salle College in city, by Michael Francis O’Reilly/Brother Potamian (discovered by German Wilhelm Röntgen). Born in Co in 1847 in Famine so emigrated. Entered Jesuit Novitiate in Montreal, Canada.🏥

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Star Wars: The High Republic (2021)
Story: Cavan Scott, Phil Noto, art: Ario Anindito

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Apparently yesterday was National Unicorn Day and I missed it?! Unbelievable!

Enjoy this late piece regardless! 🦏🦄

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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I finished my passion project for this particular week 🥰

Henry Goodsir from The Terror (as portrayed by the fantastic Paul Ready)

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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F is for the Flathead Lake Monster

This cryptid was first sighted in Flathead Lake, Montana in 1889.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Imaginei o chibs jovem no picrew e add uns detalhezinhos, pra mim ele nasceu com cavanhaque (Problema de cabelo branco tmb)

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D is for Dover Demon

First spotted in the 1977 in Dover, Massachusetts, the Dover Demon was reported by four different witnesses over two days.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Fuzzy Sweater, Gardener and Elevator were this week’s prompts. I failed in the Elevator department but the other two worked well, I think! 🌿🐑

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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The Cryptid Alphabet 2.0 is a go! A is for the Alkali Lake Monster of Nebraska.

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Two of my latest pet portrait commissions; Phoebe and Stanley!

Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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Did you know? Obi-Wan built model spaceship toys for Luke and left them near the Lars homestead for Beru to find. (Ref. 'Time of Death' by Cavan Scott)

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Rock Pool, Fairy and Peony were the prompts for this week’s I’m proud of the colours, but I’m proudest of the hermit crab. 😊🐚
Artwork (c) Lizzie Cavanagh

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