My friend made me realize I could do an AU for Danganronpa in my main OC world, chockful of dead people turning into demons with amnesia, which is very quaint and fitting teehee

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No thoughts except for Chihiro I love u baby

17 28

Эта ночь была полна волшебства и счастья✨

2 11

Big sis Miu being protective of Chihiro 😤 Again, for my tech squad hc!!

4 16

they would be the BEST of friends
danganronpa x haikyuu headcanons anyone?

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honestly. im not happy with this nor am i ever going to make it better but here it is

1 6

danganronpa spoilers//

Game grumps are on ch2 and I’m coping

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// danganronpa
chihiro !!

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Video games girlfriends mini comic!! Might make more tbh cause I love them 🥺
(I headcanon Chihiro as a trans woman, if you don’t agree then please just keep scrolling, I don’t want drama)

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ой я кстати сюда так и не выложила некоторые перерисованные спрайты
ронпа-фаны которые ещё не отписались от меня я вам покушать принесла

3 21

shhh, they are sleeping!

i just love the three of them, and mondo was so hard to draw sksksjssjk.

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