Me when the quarantine hits and my claustrophobic ass can’t stand being in my house for more than a day

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Monasterio de Santa Maria. La Santa Espina
Mandado construir en 1147 por Doña Sancha de Castilla. La cual recibiría del rey de Francia Luis el Joven, una espina de la corona de Cristo, de ahí su nombre
De época románica tardía encontramos su precioso claustro

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Cominciamo a soffrire di claustrofobia così abbiamo deciso di fare un giro lontano da tutto e, ovviamente, scruto l'orizzonte e scelgo io la direzione😜😎
BUON VENERDÌ tranquillo a tutte/i ecc.(E.I.&C) 😄🎶🎻🐞🍀
🎨Catrin Welz Stein

21 39

idk just wanted this lighting and a claustrophobic feel

take some time to make it look at least not so messy? i do not know what are you talking about

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Maxwell doesn't like tents because they remind him too much of his birdcage of a throne. He gets claustrophobic. So, instead, he's made a nest under a lean-to. It's not the biggest, but he and Wilson can share it if they snuggle real close.

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No me puedo quitar de la cabeza la perfección de este claustro ...

Certosa de San Martino

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L'escalier en colimaçon de l'Arc de Triomphe et ses 284 marches. Mieux vaut ne pas être claustrophobe... 😬📸

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Another piece I never finished. Trying to do a bit of catch up is all : P

Full Res:



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Let's put as example my oc Maple, the scanner always makes the colors look so dull I need to touch up the colors a lot, and edit the corners so the picture doesn't look too claustrophobic (making smaller drawings helps a lot, I had that bad habit before :v) a flat bg and tadah!

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No me olvides azulan
la liberad en la tez
de un latido,

su anhelo de doble faz
silenciado y sumergido

porque la lee el amor

el claustro abisal que de reojo
tu jardín mitiga,

se expande en la letra invisible
alejada de los espejos,

que ella rima.

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Hi All :)
Just wondering, has anyone a fear of M.R.I machines? 🤯Or claustrophobia? 🤯 Did you have a panic attack? How did you cope with that?
If you have and had to go in one, how did you cope? Did you cancel because it was too much for you.Experiences shared much appreciated.

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1976 Summer Session: Openings to the mines (horizontal shafts), and Caroline Alexander emerging from one of them. They are very cramped and claustrophobic.

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