Don't talk to me or my son ever again!

0 12

Don't judge a book by its cover they always say

1 9

Been a while since I've been here. Have a

1 3

Ser administrador es sin duda alguna un reto, pero mi madre crío a un chico listo para luchar por tal puesto. 😎

1 5

im bored so I drew my oc and its my new fav thing...

0 4

the typical redditor thinking of a way to post something keanu reeves related to r/dankmemes

1 3 Sonic gets arrested quite often for speeding violations. Reckless running, I guess! Orange is the new Sonic! Adorable in prison! by dankmemebirb360

1 2

A fellow user posted led this...tweet

And well I have... sinned...


Stranger things

Link to the tweet that inspired this ?:

1 0

Me when dad tells me to take the dogs for a walk

0 1