Lolz I get ya, me too life long anime series sucks the life out of me XD
Though there is just one anime series that I'd like to get back into, and no it's not Dbz, Naruto, Bleach or One piece Lol XD
But you don't have to worry about this one being long, it only has like 52 eps

1 1

Krillin has the most slammin’ wife in all of DBZ, and he knows it.

1 25

RT if you have seen the Dragon Ball series.
Fav if you liked it.
Who is your favorite character from the DB universe? (DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, etc.)

62 124

Manga DB, bajka DBZ, film bajkowy Fukkatsu no F, gra Dragon Ball FighterZ.

124 264

スーパードラゴンボールヒーローズ第5弾 Super Dragon Ball Heroes part 5 en ligne. . Grosse série de 78 cartes. De Db, DbZ, DBS, SDBH toute la saga y passe pour le plaisir des yeux. Et du porte feuille biensur Bonne navigation sur Dbzcollection ^-^....

3 10

🔴Exclusif !! Photo retrouvée du jour de naissance de la moustache de Vegeta ! Qu'elle bonne idée il avait eu. Ah ah, sacré Vegeta.
en route vers 😜

1 1

UFC like DBZ, DBZ like UFC

8 16

"Wow Chakra, you make Sonic way too DBZ, they aren't even remotely sim--"

34 111

Si tu reconnais chacun de ces heros en mode DBZ, RESPECT 😎

4 3

Still watching DBZ, but I've updated my CSP to get the animation features and I super like it. Animated Gohan

1 4

Essential Anime at looks fab! Ghibli classics with DBZ, EVANGELION and NARUTO films!

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We have made an update!
City Hunter, DBZ, Rozen Maiden, Vinyl...

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I like to this of this race concept as the bastard child of twi'leks, Buu from DBZ, and Scylla.


3 23

If you are a or who loves snag yourself one of these shirts!

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