Batch of chibis for lunathyst @ dA!
Dextroluma are a CS by her <3

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Day 5
This is a drawing for the ambidextrous art challenge so I don't want to reveal it all, but here's a sneak peak

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Bleetcreeps (Closed Species) by Xenobaby on deviantART
Dextroluma (Closed species) by Lunathyst on deviantART
Bamharr (Closed species) by Lotuslumino on deviantART

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I can't help but feel like you're just trying to cheat your hand brace by becoming ambidextrous

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If you are able, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi! I will still be offering a doodle with EVERY KOFI, though due to circumstance I will be drawing them with my left hand. Do note that I am NOT ambidextrous. Thank you! ☕️

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This one is a mix between "ambidextrous" and "envie" (which sounds a bit like "ambi...") meaning "will" or "desire"

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『The Wild One(乱暴者 あばれもの)』。ビル・ヒックマンさん。ジョニー率いる「Black Rebels Motorcycle Club」のメンバー。足を怪我したCrazyを乗せたDextroがバイクごと店に入る場面でダブルを演じてらっしゃるのもそうかな? 途中からお姿が見えなくなるのは怪我で撮影を離脱されたせいだとか。

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reminder that im ambidextrous so if my art looks drastically different in style heres why

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I've been getting RSI pain in my right hand so trying to keep off it the past few days. Not being able to make stuff as usual has pushed me to attempt painting something left-handed.
It's meant to be beloved TV host Grant Denyer... Still a long way to go before I'm ambidextrous.

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idk to what degree FEH artwork counts as official but he IS ambidextrous fuck you

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Ok so im going to be honest I have no idea what my mind was thinking but woop ti do its an ambidextrous antro character named Luck

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lance is ambidextrous

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Finnished a Dextroluma Chibi commissions nvn hope u like it! Rt are apreciated!! 🌸

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"and i do not sneeze like a kitten*kitten sneeze* dang it"
-fem dipper
-gravity falls rp
-ships with chem
-open to all rp
-dungeons, dungeons, and more dungeons

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