I want to draw better but I don't have the time or energy. I'm still really enjoying drawing when I can,bI just wish I could do better! I hope you all enjoy these drawings I do ♡

115/905+ Kangaskhan

0 3

Catching up on drawings today

113/905+ Chansey

0 2

Better late than never > . <"

112/905+ Rhydon

0 3

No shading today because I'm super tired but here is the boi! Kinda smelly haha

110/905+ Weezing

0 2

Thus bubble was a lot of fun to draw and color! I hope you like the smell of rotting trash xD

109/905+ Koffing

0 3

This drawing was sooo much more fun to draw than Hitmonchan in my opinion! I hope you love it as much as I do!! ♡

108/905+ Lickitung

0 2

This dude was really complicated for me to draw for som reason so he looks really scuffed but I spent like 90 mins on this. I forgot to draw hims yesterday so I'm making up for it right now! Lickitung is next right now!

107/905+ Hitmonchan

0 1

Doodle semalem yg digoreng dadakan biar diakuin simp dia '3'

0 6

Drawing this boi was a little difficult with the hands and legs so he looks a little weird but I hope you still like him ♡

106/905+ Hitmonlee

0 1

I was busy yesterday so I didn't have a chance to draw this cutie. But I make sure to catch up eventually :3.
Simple sketch and color!

105/905+ Marowak

0 1

Will you have a bite of pao's cookies made by my amazing mom ?

Eat the head first i dare you

1 13

Cubone is amazing and I drew hims a little chunky but i still love this so much!

104/905+ Cubone

0 2

I thought coconuts were supposed to be brown and I thought bananas were supposed to be rectangles? I had fun drawing this boi but I'm tired and lazy so no shading

103/905+ Exeggutor

0 1

I drew today while sitting in a diner alone but my friends were there in spirit eating with me!

101/905+ Electrode

0 0

Wooo 100 pokemon! Only 900 more to go lol. I'm having so much fun with this

100/905+ Voltorb

0 2

No shade tonight but I had fun drawing

099/905+ Kingler

0 1

Simple krabby sketch because I'm terrible at time management and need to be quick

098/905+ Krabby

0 1