From yesterday's stream, another one of my ocs, Ritsu💛

6 18

Starlight, Star Bright... Please grant my drop rate wishes tonight! I need these bloomin' cuties from this month's NP Gacha!

3 48

Gaaah! D-d-don't hurt me, Lass! I p-p-promise I've been workin' hard at the Senran Girls Event! I-I-I know we're in the Final Fever, but there's still time for me to get all your favorite outfits! I swear!

2 45

.[Himari] & .[Mayuko] from Anubis, thanks!

0 16

Well, hello there, Miss Maid! You know, I was startin' to think everybody here was a warrior, so it's nice to see a friendly fa--- Errr, Miss? You dropped a few things...

2 49

Clumsy Series Pt. 4: Mint
Try a new hobby, they said... It'll be fun, they said...

0 12

M-mates, you gotta help me out! This girl's a real bloomin' cutie, but... Look at those vicious dogs! Blimey, I bet they'd tear me apart... Hm? They look harmless...? Not to a raccoon! The second half of the Adorable Animal Teatime Event starts now!

5 44

I always thought ice cream tasted best after a bath, but this here lass has changed me! From now on, I'll be eatin' my frozen treats in the bath! Get ready for the Adorable Animal Teatime Event, happening now!

4 52

Beep-boop, I am Kobayashi Tron 5000. I have been programmed to welcome you to the future... of love~! Gehehe, did I fool you, mates? No? Well, at least I got this here cyber cutie to smile. The Cyber Girl in a Cyber World Event starts now!

1 43

( 'ω')花のウェディングっぽくコーディネート

0 33

🎉6th Anniversary Celebration✨

6 30