t's After you get out there and on tomorrow, snap a congratulatory pic with our who will be so proud of you! Use the hashtag and we'll RT! https://t.co/cc12y3md4h

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Many people’s lives and access to essential will be determined by this election.
For help filling out your ballots, or to create your voting guide visit: https://t.co/798hg9pc5E


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I updated this design to encourage y'all to get out and tomorrow!

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Election Day is officially two weeks away! Heres a reminder from Lincoln Agnew & Marlena Agency to get out and VOTE on November 6th!

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in NY is tomorrow Thursday Sept. 13th & you should all go out & vote for / She is the inspiring progressive governor that NY deserves & I cannot wait to have a queer female governor who truly cares about all New Yorkers

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It’s election day... get out there and vote! (if you haven’t already) It’s important!

I voted

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Hey California*- It's JUNE 5th & we need EVERYONE to VOTE TODAY! Text VOTECA to 90975 to find your polling place. Don't give up your right to bitch & moan- BE HEARD!!!
*(also Alabama/Iowa/New Jersey/New Mexico/Mississippi/Montana/South Dakota)

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The shit I get during election campaign.
Bunch of hypocrites. Overcrowded with endless promises. Should I get rid of this tv?

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[Lincoln] With 11 kids in this house, somehow I always end up as the deciding vote! Hopefully your choices are a little easier!

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2days Joes Bar Toon, Halloween Aftermath! Give us a ReTweet!

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4/4 ...in fostering civic pride in Which is your favorite? Thx !

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Live coverage from Conservative Party HQ

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Please don't read anything into the predominant colour of my ladybird drawing tonight :-)

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