highly recommended masukin twilight poem ke list gepengie...
di naver kor baru chap.7 trnyta bulan ini mau rilis di indo dong 😭🥳
+artnya dewa bgt istg!
+plotnya unik dari awal udh banyak scene tragedinya (tapi kalo sisi romance ini termasuk slow burn)
🔗https://t.co/mgHn49GPIf https://t.co/oIWc8VfdSx

0 9

Gepengie sender lagi ter91myung-g1myun9 nih, kalau kalian lagi ter-siapa? 😩

Sc l0ok1sm

3 33

who's the gepengie?

gepeng τουch mγ lιttle brσther αηd yσu're deαd di tαρρytoon

4 49

Selamat pagi gepengie , ada yang tau ga ini judulnya apa dan bacanya dimana ? Jangan lupa disensor yaa, TIA!!

0 5

Shubuh-shubuh gini kalian lagi baca apa, gepengie?

Pict hanya pemanis (beneran manis banget weh T___T dari gepeng 3l3c33d)

0 20

gepengie kalian lebih suka manggil dia se0 se0ngeun atau s4muel se0?

2 24

Ngeliat Jukyung & Suho jd gak sabar ngalamin hal kyk begini sama pacar sendiri.. Haduuh, jiwa jombloku meraung-raung gepengie 🤧

0 16

Gepengie ini judulnya apa ya?
Sc:menfess sy sblmnya tp malah lupa judulnya krn lama g baca

3 13

gepengie haii mutualan yuk! rep/like aja yaa
hanwool simp claim your freepass😍

0 51

Some warm up sketches for today - also I think Engie and Sniper fuck aggressively because Sniper teases Engie abt his height

1 24

I drew engineer bc I was bored what do you think? I like it :)

0 7

My long running TF2 Tentaspy / Engie fanfic "Dominique" is nearing completion, almost done chapter 17! I am still in love with these nerds and got some writing mojo back finally. 🙏🥺 fic is here: https://t.co/Tzo6oHGTO6

1 3

Just a little something to get into the Halloween spirit 😏
Careful, this pengie gal might cast a gypsy curse on you this season ;)

13 35

YEAHHHHH Engie cat maid is THE BEST

2 10

Y00N G4min pacar sender Yay or Yay? Gepengie

Judul: $tudy 9roup di ijo

0 24