Al fin un fansub ha traducido la peli última de WIXOSS con sub en español. A disfrutar!!

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Talkaholic X 4(No! That’s not happening! - horrified fansub groups)

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c'est ptet qu'une coïncidence, mais Luminas/Lumina et la même font de la fansub et ton jeu c'est normal ? xD

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Y'all need to conocer este maravilloso fansub que hace que el umineko anime sea algo worth de ver

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Seguro que tanto la seiyu como el traductor del fansub murieron de derrame cerebral tras esa frase.

308 483

A Comparison Between Fansubbers and Licensors

4 6

My Super fansubs shall provide the classic DB fansubbing experience for a new generation.

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Ep.1 - Fansub groups, if you're still out there, please finish this subbing this show.

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Buenas~ Usagi No Kuma Fansub: Flower and Bunny Mangaka: Kashima Chiaki.

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