A quelques mètres de l’Accademia, le couvent San Marco. Toujours autant d’émotion devant la beauté, la grâce et la douceur de Fra Angelico.

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Some alignment memes about my LC Captains from Hae, and not including Firenze + Anthony yet.

Somehow I forgot to draw Carter's Snow Queen's gift but I'll include it on next attempts in alignment memes.

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I am currently playing Giuseppe di Firenze, a street rat done good and legitimately started a noble house in Athkatla after adventuring and then buying a title! Who are you playing in ? Art Credit:

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"'Do you not see that unicorn?' Firenze bellowed at Bane. 'Do you not understand why it was killed? [...] I set myself against what is lurking in this Forest, Bane, yes, with humans alongside me if I must'"
— JKR (PS15)

by HogwartsHorror

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I cavalli della fontana del Biancone all’apparenza sarebbero rigide sculture due in marmo bianco e due in mischio rosato, ma poi sotto lo scrosciare dell’acqua prendono vita, nitriscono e galoppano scalpitando sul fondo della vasca

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I cavalli della Fontana del Nettuno sono vivi lanciano alto un nitrito di piacere dovuto all’acqua che rinfresca il loro mantello. Esprimono architettura dinamica in mezzo ad altre sculture

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Giovanni Fattori
(Livorno 1825 - Firenze 1908)
Il riposo [Il carro rosso] 1887

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Today is birthday of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, the greatest Assassin ever. Requiescat in pace.

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Tal día como hoy, hace 561 años, nacía un Maestro. Felicidades Ezio Auditore da Firenze, nunca te olvidaremos.

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Happy birthday to Master Assassin, Ezio Auditore da Firenze.

"When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three.”

390 1841

My two favorite assassins: Nagisa Shiota & Ezio Auditore da Firenze

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Attributed to Jacopo Zucchi
(Firenze 1541 - Roma 1590)


Oil on copper 22,7 x 17, 5 cm

Est. 1 000 €
Hammer price 28 000 €

Il Ponte

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for the fanfiction, “Как бы не так” by firenze11

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