You can’t legislate away evil, but you certainly can vote it out.

6 16

🫶🏽 Erradiquemos la Discriminación por orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género. 💜


¡Existimos todo el año!

13 20

I believe that the Supreme Court is doing it's job as a proper part of government. We have a system of checks and balances. The legislative branch has gone berserk, so a much more stable part is pushing things back into balance.

0 0

It could either be Aegislash or Escavalier

Escavalier literally took two fire type hits from Alder's Volcarona and still managed to make me win my Nuzlocke run

Aegislash because if used correctly, he can sweep lotsa teams

1 19

Wow. Legislating a commitment to ignorance about science.

This country is going to dumb itself to death.

(Note: large studies have shown ivermectin to be no more effective in fighting COVID than placebos).

1 1

I used to think Korea was batshit crazy in regards to fan death and its legislation of mandating the implementation of SEED cipher via *motherfucking ACTIVEX* but revisiting its age system where you instantly turn 2 if born on Dec 31 has me wanting to take shots of pilka again

2 22

Let's delve deeper into shariah to get an even better understanding of Islam ´・ᴗ・`

Art by Nayzak

2 9

is tonight at 7:10pm on to present cartoons on the threat to in USA, the military situation in and the legislative in France. ✏ (Singapore) & (USA)

11 21

📺. [UNE SEMAINE DANS LE MONDE] est ce soir à 19h10 dans pour présenter des dessins sur l' la menace sur le droit à l'avortement aux la situation militaire au et les élections ✏ Kak & (France)

18 35

Accord entre les partis de gauche
oublier les désaccords pour empêcher 5 ans de pouvoir total à

0 0

Le dessin du jour:
Les législatives 2022: Les accords de la gauche.

0 3

🏳️‍🌈A 24 días de las elecciones legislativas, te contamos cuáles son los compromisos que serán determinantes para el próximo presidente o presidenta de Colombia en materia de derechos de la población LGBTIQ+.

11 25

No subjective remarks
No personal feelings
No surnames mentioned
Speaking based on data and facts
The logical choice
Clean track record
Lawyer, Economist, Legislator, VP

I am voting for a proven good governance backed-up by records
I am supporting LENI

1 2

"My body, My choice" means EVERY body, everywhere. Access to safe and legal abortion services isn't a privilege. Bodily autonomy isn't a privilege. No body should be legislated. Full stop.

32 74

Au fait, by the way, personne se pose la question de savoir comment notre insoumis réagira aux résultats des s'il estime qu'il n'a pas eu le nombre de députés qu'il "aurait dû" avoir.

1 2

With the Tory negligence over Covid and care homes and the legislation last week weakening our democracy it feels a good time to retweet this - Presages of a Dictator (after Gillray)

1 10

681 - Aegislash-shield
Type: Steel / Ghost

Abilities: Stance-change

0 0

Reply to this tweet with your:

Favourite Pokémon: Chandelure
Favourite Legendary pkmn: Deoxys (I know it’s technically a mythical Pokémon but it’s still really cool-)
Favourite Shiny pkmn: Aegislasg
Favourite Regional Form: Hisuian Typhlosion

0 1