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Finished some sketch commissions for my good friend @blademourned!
It's Riven from #LeagueOfLegends and Granson from #FFXIV
🌃 Barcelona és la #CiutatdeNadal!
Del Nadal de les ✉️ cartes, dels 👑 Reis i del 🪵 tió.
💫 Viu la màgia de les festes, del regal personalitzat, dels personatges que il·lusionen petits i grans cada any durant aquestes dates.
🎄 https://t.co/AIskvX1j1N
This is the last thing I’m allowing myself to draw with granson
So I’ve decided to share this little piece I made. This year I decided to make my grans Christmas gift and made her a painting of her and my grandad from a photo that’s been in our house for years. I got to give it to her today and she absolutely loved it :)
I no puc estar-me de compartir la coberta de l'àlbum il·lustrat que sortirà a la primavera! 🌼📚
Començaré 2021 traçant un conte delicat i divulgatiu i que engrescarà a grans i petits!
Un projecte preciós de la mà de @SidillaEdicions, escrit per Dolors Salvador.
took a break from raid spreadsheets to finish this granson commission
grans wearing a mask hbnekdofntb though i assume its just his doctor profession
Gransys and Lothric are companions who benefit from one another,Lothric's happy and joyfull spirit helps Gransys go on every day without drowning in sadness, and Gransys keeps Lothrics sadistic urges in check, at this point they can't live without one another.
Gransys a hollow armor moved by the soul of an ancient knight without memories, always depressed since he no longer sees himself as human and misses the warmth of skin,being able to breath and the ability to rest, his main ability is creating wind spells with his sword
Tant si t'apassionen els jocs de taula ♟️ com si t'agrada viure grans aventures amb els jocs històrics 🏛️, el #DauBCN és el teu festival. Enguany, el Dau Barcelona continua a la xarxa! 💻 Entra al web i coneix les darreres novetats! https://t.co/3LjTOzqVZd #BarcelonaCultura
@SimonJHistorian @ProfPeterDoyle It seems a long wait, on the other side of the family my grans uncle (ww1) and her brother (ww2) were both initially posted missing. her uncles wife and the local minister both wrote enquiring. Theres a letter between g grandmother's saying, with missing "there's aye hope"
Night swimmer. Brita Granstrom
"Something very mysterious and magical about #wildswimming in a remote Swedish lake at night.."
La ley Serena
Una de les més grans tenistes de tots els temps vista per @fermurciego també en el número 22 de @TheTacticalRoom
ドラセナ・フラグランス(Dracaena fragrans)でしたー!
The Breton LRRH delivers a pie to grandmother who has not eaten for 7yrs. Along the way, she is assailed in turn by a hare, dog, fox & wolf; refusing each of their demands. She unwittingly throws grans' bones on the fire & drinks her blood before being devoured! #FairyTaleTuesday