Mandri: Ah! Chocolate! So that's what it was! I'll gratefully accept! Is there a special way to eat it?

I'm so glad that you're not sending me back to the Throne!

Guda: I am NOT sending you back, seriously.

M: It's sweet...

29 63

7th up is
References: Couple photos of characters I don't know XD <3
and a um... *checks notes* Dangling Participle as a familiar

I never thought I'd be drawing a noun modifier.

Gratefully, a reference was provided for it too! ^_^

0 6

Gratefully remembering Edward Lear, who died in San Remo 1888, leaving a wonderful legacy of limericks & landscapes—

1 11

Hey there!! Thank you for the opportunity 💛 I'm Selina, I make mindful art and apparel and I'm gratefully at about 790 followers!! 🌙🌿

20 49

Unenthusiastic description of cacao (chocolate) when new to Europe 'a fruit well knowne in divers parts of America ... the fruit is ... of an astringent and ungratefull taste' from Gerard's Herball (orig. 1597); this copy = 1636 reprint & is probably Charles I's copy 🍫

22 55

She has half a salami in her mouth, chewing gratefully...

Before spitting it out in a splutter.


0 4

We will always be gratefull with you, dear Sister Ophelia. But... slicing your skirt like that was really necessary?

-The Legend of the Chicken Knight.

1 0

So it seems we've gotten a fourth slot from ... They wanted this OC of theirs reworked. This is what I've managed to come up with. Much approval of this development, gratefully. Colors next!

3 10

Looking back and looking forward . Selected these on my own personal criteria of personal satisfaction, wonderful support and encouragement from others, the inspiration I have so gratefully received, and overcoming my own self-doubt and fears.

0 1

Finaly we reach 10K!!!!!!!!!! Im sooo gratefull for all the support guys! It means alot to me, I still cant belive that its been only 2 years and how far we have reach! Thanks to everyone of you guys!

31 398

I have a Merchandise Shop now for my CommunEdy & Twitch! Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated as this is my first time trying something like this! All LGBT+ design sale profits will go to a UK LGBT+ charity at the end of each month! Much Love! <3

3 9

“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” —Maya Angelou

0 1


Any details of collections or lists of non-lichenised fungi from Sussex will be exceedingly gratefully received.

0 0


サンリオさんのプロジェクト「SHOW BY ROCK!! 」3969 GRATEFULL ROCK FESTIVALにバックバンドで参加させていただきます!


94 208

So I want to create a map of Dickens's journey through Italy. Before I get my pen and rulers out, I have to ask you good people of twitter - *surely* there must be an app or a programme for this? I suspect it's beyond googlemaps, but any suggestions gratefully received!

3 8

You're very kind. Gratefully accepted.

0 1

I started to play LoL in 2010, Is amazing see how far has gone now, Even when Im ot playing anymore 'cause Latinamerica comunity is tocxic af, I will always gratefull for being a inspiration for my drawings for years, I even do a lux cosplay! here some REALLY old art

1 3

They gratefully receive gifts of fate and love themselves for the fact that luck smiles at them.
Seek the faithful and honest.
Who will not hide anger and tears behind hypocrisy and smirk.
They say what they think.

0 5

The was some time ago, but still!

Hi! I'm LianaDarkevil and right now I'm trying to be more productive with my life. I'm taking the commissions, working, and I'd be very gratefull if you'll help me to promote my stuff a little bit!

4 6

Reach 200 Followers!
Thank your for all your support!
Melt is gratefull with all of you.
I hope you enjoy my art and many pinups are on the way.

2 10