Well this month a new puppy joined the family, and the truth to see them play I could not help imagining how they would be as human

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100 gatos negros y yo agarro al multicolor TnT , humanización de mi gata ''Charlie'', con ''fondo'' para variar el gris


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Hot take, Dream plays a harp, thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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I'm back for drawing now, I have a adopt dog name Milkshake. Mother adult dog. I wanted to try to draw her what her human verison look like cuz its more fun but kinda hard to find the hairs, and the clothing but hopfully this is alright.

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Watch me just barely be late for his birthday ahhhh literally just perfectly 12-- X'D
Happy birthday Pale! I love you!

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Pelo menos eles estão sendo sinceros agora que falta funcionários, em vez de colocar que a gente não atende 😆
(Esse print dos Correios foi feito em um dia útil)

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Had the idea to draw the first one but couldn't decide which version to use as the second one had come up in conversation. Decided do use both instead and sorta made a mini narrative! I love it though.

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