My girls are ready for their audition to the . Google Drive link with backstory & dynamics for these 2

5 10

Here’s a poster thing for my contestant Adrianna. The audition shall be next!


11 32

❄️”Hello young one!”❄️

Today I present you info and plenty of reference material for a new contestant.

Adrianna, the master of ice and one of the phantom fugitives had received the invitation to go participate for a chance to win a wish


18 57

"Today we are gonna be talking about the CLOCK TOWER! Do you find that funny Jade!?"

17 74

In the future, when humanity is a galactic-wide species that masters spacetravel, taking the subway is still the fastest method of intercity travel.

I don't know how to draw proto heads facing up.

0 7

Splinter City audition is going well, me and saragon are taking it very seriously

1 8

Sherff saw friend and decided to approach him in high speed, however in their view it doesnt look like a friend
|| Terrance

5 11

Just realised I need to post something actually good here smh

0 4

HOW could i pass up the opportunity to draw my favorite girls in cute dresses!!!! its free serotonin (: 💖✨

bon is mine! claire is 's!

[ | ]

26 63

I did da fighting meme thingie for

I think they’re cool :>

14 53

Did some lil doodles of Pikkit in the judge’s outfits from

I’m surprised how good Twist’s outfit looks on him. Also a glimpse to some scars on his hands c:

3 21

Here's some art of some of the competitors from Splinter City OCT in a more cutesy style of mine.

5 30

also! my installment of the (or ) introduction meme, for Partham!

7 23

Gonna drop this here, since there was a fighting-game selection art meme going on in the discord!

3 6

[ OCT || Cookie Run ]

had a bit of a prompt of drawing your OCs as cookies.

Muscat Cookie and Gummy Lizard Rabbit, running away from their problems-I MEAN to find more lizards.

thanks to @/EveyHedgehog for helping lol

7 32

something wicked this way comes (to splinter city, at least)

14 64