To all my fellow ace peeps out there, happy 🖤🤍💜

I'm grey-ace and always have been, even before I understood what that meant.

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this is just a quick sketch of my character for

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a little late but Abasi and I wish our fellow aces a very happy and Life

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i am late by a day as always buut better late than never soo
happy belated my fellow aces <3

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couldn't post anything for ace day yesterday but i made this quick sketch even tho its a bit late ;; ✨

(still messing around with Nia's colors)

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Happy !!!

I should probably say something inspirational, but all I can really think to say is.

If you’re ace: you ain’t broken
If you’re not: Ace people aren’t broken, stop pushing YOUR sexuality onto them.

Thanks love y’all 💜
(pic from last year)

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Happy to my fellow ace peeps!

I thought I was broken for so long, but turns out, I'm normal and people's opinions on that can go shove it.


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ganyu is celebrating the first international asexuality day!!
(i headcanon her as ace, totally fine if you don't agree!)

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Happy I'm ace and proud of it!!

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Late for some but Happy Just wanted you guys to know that I love and value you all. Don't let anyone else tell you other wise! 🖤🤍💜

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YO HAPPY !!!!! I'm a demisexual painter with no concept of layers!

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I know it's probably past the time of the day, but I feel like I might be somewhere on the ace spectrum. Probably demisexual? I dunno yet, but I guess for now, this will do

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love to all my ace people 🖤☠️🤍💜

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HIHI IM A BIT LATE FOR BUT THATS OKAY !! Hihi i am demi !!!!!!

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I'm a lil' late but been busy fighting off sleep all day. 😅
Anyway, happy !!! 🖤🤍💜

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