Special illustrations for the collaboration between Japanese lottery DMM Scratch and the franchise, "Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)", which will start on September 16, 2022 in Japan.

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Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend) - DMM Scratch featuring new illustrations https://t.co/CSTCrLVMcl

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Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend) collab illustration with DMM SCRATCH featuring Chizuru Ichinose in swimsuit

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Sumi Caught in Splash Zone. Sumi Change of Clothes. kanokari 23

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Sumi Wears School Uniform. Sumi Sits Down. Sumi Kazuya on Merry-go-Round. kanokari 23

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Hay algunos recuerdos que nos alegran el día… como Kazuya, que decidió regresar en el tiempo y averiguar cómo se siente salir con tu novia de la prepa. Disfruten de “Juventud y Novia” en español latino solo por
x 💖💛💙💜

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Cover for the Blu-ray Vol.2 of the 2nd season of the anime, "Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent A Girlfriend)", including episodes 4 to 6 of the series, on sale November 30, 2022.

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Kanojo, Okarishimasu (Rent-a-Girlfriend) Season 2 Blu-ray Vol.2 illustration featuring Mami

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