Welp, I tried coloring in Krita, took me two hours,,,

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And also this thing... um, Im not used to draw humans, gotta practice.

Im also trying Krita, so I did this as a quick thing to try it, this is actually the first character I created in 2015, just did a re-design I guess

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Casi ni he dibujado en serio últimamente porque saltaba de que si Clip Studio, que si Krita, que si MediBang... Sai quedó olvidado.
Y pues, después de "huir" me tomé un tiempo pa experimentar y probar cosas, ahora creo que me llevo mejor con el programa(?

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Quick doodle of Bobby the Bob-Omb.

This was my first attempt on using SAI instead of Krita, I think I managed to adapt my style to it

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Did this a while ago on Krita, of Lero and Tai 🥺💕 my style has evolved a lot since then pfft 🤩 but I think it’s more to do with the device I’m using :)

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Baixei o Krita, um software para ilustrações, nisso tive que fazer um desenho para testar algumas coisas no programa. Daí saiu esse desenho da Lillia, e gostei bastante do resultado diferente do Paint tool sai que n conseguia fazer a lineart.

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Não é tão fácil se acostumar ao Krita, mas preciso treinar mais para ter certeza se vale a pena migrar para ele...

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Getting used to Krita, I am not good at drawing so I'm attempting to draw something everyday to improve things

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Faz 3 meses que eu resolvi seguir como artista de verdade. Aqui o quanto eu melhorei

1) 11/09
Desenho no Paint, sem cores
2) 06/10
Desenho no Krita, com cores, linhas predominates e sem sombra
3) 07/11
Linhas mais definidas, melhor uso de cores, sombreado estranho

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I just switched from sai to krita, so my art is kind of experimental now.

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sebelum sebelum ni lukis pakai Krita, ni first sketch guna medibang. sketch guna default tool je ni, setting apa pun belum lagi. not bad, aku rasa medibang ni style dia lagi sama dengan apps yang aku selalu guna dalam phone (ibispaint x)

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dibujo de el día de hoy es de la película de coco, es mi primer dibujo utilizando krita, me mudare a este programa a partir de ahora.

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Still practicing Krita, so I sketched a quick Dimitri!

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Experimented with another brush preset in Krita, *attempted* to draw eyes, and a tiny bit of shading. I'm not super happy with how this turned out but it was mostly me trying some new things so it was still worth it.

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To really flex my muscles and try new things on Krita, I painted Pepper from ’s webcomic “Pepper and Carrot”.

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had a second try at Krita, and it took two days but I finished up drawing my boys Sabe and Fern. They’re part of a friends to enemies to lovers story I’m slowly workin on. I really loved how this turned out uwu

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Mirrah Contemplating life for a moment
But only for a moment

Had a bit of a streamish thing with my friends last night, and I finished this
I started in but had to finish in and I realize how much I love painting in Krita

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Wanted to draw Yuri because I was bored again last night and wasn't satisfied with just my little 3D airplane test. This one took maybe 1-1.5 hours?

Drawn in Krita, with a mouse as usual.

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