Sleepy blade I did because I decided to draw someone else sleepy instead of sleeping, I am very smart /s

1 19

Good night yall o/
Have a comic wip for the emeraldtwt reincarnation au I mentioned yesterday ehehehe

0 22

New Techno design doodles + phil dyeing his hair pink to match Techno..

20 195

Hello people, have an emerald duo sketch because I was too lazy to lineart and color lmao I couldn't decide between warm and cold so I decided to do ✨both✨

10 70

They’re talking about blowing stuff up

(This is for childtwt, goldenboystwt, ooptwt, cmyktwt, clingytwt, alliumtwt and idk if I missed any but here ya go)

41 249

2 a.m. epiphany, my UwU character desgign looks v similar to 's Pirate tech design.... did I draw them together? Yes *also made some changes to my character <3

4 63

POV: you are mind controlled technoblade attacking Philza, but he won't fight back because it would hurt more to die than hurting his friend. (#emeraldtwt?)

3 17

Aight good night yall, parentstwt piece + emeraldtwt doodle shall be posted later >:]

0 11

a tiny comic about magnetism and separation


311 2147

was supposed to make some emeraldtwt angst but philza minecraft was just too brave,,💔

6 52

Gonna now feed manifoldtwt with this little drawing i did of him <33 my favorite stupid minecraft

2 12

Finished the rest of the drawing off-stream! Thanks for watching if you came!!!

Mentor Phil and young Techno origins :D

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