A Bleaker Predicklement has just been released on iOS and Android! Huzzah!!

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It's a lot harder than I thought, but if anyone can pull this off - it's ME!

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At long, long, long, long last Press Build is uploaded to ! The Adventure is almost begun!

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This adventuring business is tough. I'm going to the pub for a drink.

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Next weekend I shall be in London showing my very nearly finished Huzzah!

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A Bleaker Predicklement is coming to soon! The Evening Burble says it's "...the best adventure of 1884 - 5 stars"

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May I introduce Joanna Von Grimm - one of my alter ego's in - it's the only thing I've ever wanted 😊 x

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Taxi! Wait... stop! I really need a taxi! Jesus...

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In the words of the Mighty Killdozer, "A little man made of meat came to get me in my sleep"

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Yes I made a meat mate. No I don't know why.

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I'm striding purposefully towards the May release of - the finest most mysterious Victorian Point and Click EVER!

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If the Adventure won't come to you. You should go to the Adventure

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The mysterious Edwin Gray. Man of science/Vampire hunter/cheese lover.

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