Classic art for today:
From those dark times I didn't have a graphic tablet, I had to draw in paper then trace that with a MOUSE (2016-7)
Was more painful than what it sounds xD

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New Old
Based on a I made a loong time ago, Now in Full res. The original remastered drawing was made long ago, but It had no background. Now it's finally complete.

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These were one of my bread and butters as a kid, love them :)

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Updated my ponysona! Cause there aren't enough earth ponies out there🍀💚

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No art today so take this random pinkie pie being in ABSOLUTE DISTRESS. //not a vent I just needed to practice more somber moods

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Classic fanart for today: My one and only OC
No godlike powers, No deppressing backstory, just a cute Bat Pony in a Neightalian bakery... That's all I could think xD

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rarity made clothes for cher
(rares voice done with fifteenai)

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Another old drawing: This chibi I made in 2017
Could be a set, but at that time I had to draw in paper then digitalize w/mouse. It was painful and took a stressfully long time xD

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Remember that time Discord cursed Fluttershy to be a mean Pony? Honestly I love all variants of her 💗

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